Faith Can Move Mountains... But Dynamite Works Better

Monday, August 9, 2021

A Day In The Life Of A Dog

It has been an exceedingly long time since I've done these, but it is time for the perspective of the dog and the cat. As always, I start with the perspective of the dog, because let's face it... his attention span wanders quickly.

6:48 AM. Waking up at home. Slept comfortably. Dreamed of chasing squirrels. Now to make those dreams a reality. But priorities first. Breakfast must be seen to.

6:55 AM. Looking out the front windows. Not as humid as yesterday, but it might still be a hot one. Well, the good part of hot days is you can splash around in the creek back out in the woods to cool off. I wonder if we might get rain later. 

7:02 AM. The human comes downstairs. I start furiously wagging my tail. Good morning, human! Fine day, isn't it? Say, have you given any thought to my breakfast? I'm just wondering, you know.

7:05 AM. The human is busy making my breakfast. I'm busy watching. Kibbles are a great way to start the day, if you ask me, and you are asking me.

7:06 AM. Have just finished wolfing down a big bowl of kibbles. That was good!

7:12 AM. Inquiring with the human about letting me out to take a walk about. 

7:14 AM. Out the door and bolting into the yard like a maniac, heading for the fields. I'll see you later, human!

7:23 AM. Running through the fields, barking my head off, as happy as ever. Life is good. 

7:43 AM. Stopping in to see Spike the Magnificent, Tormentor of Squirrels. Hey, Spike!

7:46 AM. Spike and I confer on matters of grave importance to dogs. The movements of enemy squirrels. The conspiracy of evil mailmen. The futility of humans trying to hide pills in treats.

7:50 AM. Heading off after Spike and I agree to keep each other apprised by bark of any movements of squirrels in our sector.

8:03 AM. Passing through the woods, splashing about in the stream. The water feels nice and cold and refreshing. 

8:15 AM. Closing in on home. Hearing rumbling in the distance. Wonder what that is...

8:17 AM. Emerging from the treeline and into our fields. Taking a look at the skies. Uh oh. Stormy skies, and they're coming fast. And stormy skies means thunderbolts and lightning. Very very frightening. Wait a minute, is that a song lyric?

That's beside the point, I've got to get home.

8:22 AM. Almost home when the rain starts, and it's a downpour straight off the bat with a big flash of lightning. Human! Open the door before the thunder hits...

8:23 AM. The human lets me in and gives me a brisk toweling off before I can get any further than the kitchen. Human! There are more important things right now than your dislike of wet dog smells. You can hear that lightning out there, right? I've gotta hide!

8:40 AM. Down in the basement, hiding under the billiards table, hearing the rumbling outside. This is not good, this is not good at all. It's like someone's mad at me for chasing squirrels and wants to torment me with booming noises.

9:28 AM. When will this colossal beast ever leave? I've had quite enough of an hour worth of storms, thank you very much.

10:01 AM. The storm appears to have passed. I think it's safe to come out.

10:10 AM. Finding the human having a cup of tea up in the living room. She looks at me and smiles and shakes her head. I don't know why lightning doesn't freak you out. But it freaks me out. Now I'll feel much better if you give me one of those cookies.

12:15 PM. The human is having lunch. I'm scarfing down a ham and cheese sandwich that she's provided me.

1:28 PM. Sitting on the front porch barking my head off at the mailman as he puts some things in the mailbox and drives away. Get lost, you fiend!

3:04 PM. The human is having afternoon tea. She thoughtfully provides me with a scone.

6:48 PM. Dinner with the human. She's chopped up some stewing beef for me, which I appreciate. She's having some herself, but insists on having fried rice with it. I don't understand humans, I really don't.

9:27 PM. Lying on the couch. The human is giving me a belly rub. Life is good.

11:28 AM. The human is off to bed. Good night, human! Sleep well. If there are any storms tonight, I'll be racing upstairs and cowering under your bed.


Comments and opinions always welcome. If you're a spammer, your messages aren't going to last long here, even if they do make it past the spam filters. Keep it up with the spam, and I'll send Dick Cheney after you.