Faith Can Move Mountains... But Dynamite Works Better

Monday, September 16, 2024

A Day In The Life Of A Cat

 And so it is time for the cat to have her say, for she must as always have the last word in these matters.

7:05 AM. Waking up. Big stretch and a yawn. Slept well. Dreamed of the largest field of catnip I've ever seen.

7:08 AM. An examination of the exterior conditions from the back of the couch. Looks like a chilly morning, but it's supposed to warm up some. Flying lunches are pecking around in the grass. Consider yourselves fortunate I'm not out there.

7:12 AM. Come on, staff, what is taking you? I've been up for an entire seven minutes and you're still upstairs instead of down here seeing to my breakfast. 

7:23 AM. The staff finally makes her way downstairs. It's about time, staff. Now then, how about breakfast?

7:24 AM. Explaining my precise needs and wants to the staff, who so often gets it all wrong. Staff, I would remind you that I do not like field rations. Are we clear on that?

7:26 AM. The staff sets my breakfast down on the floor. The bowl of milk and plate of chicken are much appreciated. The bowl of field rations is not.

7:27 AM. Finished with breakfast. I shall leave the staff in peace and quiet to have hers.

7:40 AM. Somewhere off in the distance, I can hear the barking of that foul hound from down the road. 

7:46 AM. The staff is on her way out the door to that work place she always goes to. Staff? Just a reminder, we seem to be running low on milk.

7:48 AM. The staff drives off in the car. Okay, then, what's on the agenda for today?

8:02 AM. Watching the Weather Channel. They're expecting a colder winter than normal. And how is that a problem?

8:37 AM. Have done my rounds of the house. I believe a nap is in order.

11:49 AM. Waking up. Feeling a bit hungry.

11:52 AM. Oh, right. All that's left is that bowl of field rations.

Oh well, when in Rome....

1:30 PM. More barking from that idiot mutt down the road. The mailman must be dropping off mail.

1:45 PM. Deciding to watch some television. Oh. Baseball. Okay, let's try this.

2:23 PM. I'd heard the White Sox were doing really bad this year, but this is appalling.

4:50 PM. Off goes the television. The Sox lost thirty seven to zero. That's a whupping. 

5:12 PM. The staff arrives home. Well, staff, it's about time. Here I was about to send a search party out for you. Did you remember the milk?

5:20 PM. Supervising the staff while she puts groceries away. Good, good. The milk meets with my approval. So does the catnip.

6:32 PM. Dinner with the staff. She's made lasagna for herself, but has set aside a plate of ground beef for me. I don't see why you ruin perfectly good meat with pasta sauce anyway...

8:47 PM. Pondering the great mysteries of life. Wondering what it is about someone who's so dumb that he wants to pick a fight with childless cat ladies.

11:20 PM. The staff is off to bed. Good night, staff. Sleep well.

But as always, keep the door open. I have zoomies scheduled at two thirty in the morning, after all.

Monday, September 9, 2024

A Day In The Life Of A Dog

 It is time once more for the perspective of the dog and the cat. As always, the dog gets the first say in these things, because he's so easily distracted by everything. Especially squirrels.

7:04 AM. Waking up. Big yawn and a stretch. Slept very well. Dreamed of revenge against my enemies. A list topped by the mailman.

7:07 AM. Looking out the front door. Some birds pecking around in the grass. Looks cool out there, but no frost yet. It'll come soon enough. 

7:13 AM. Waiting on the human to come downstairs and see to my breakfast. After all, I'm hungry and desire some sustenance. But the big problem is, I can't open doors.

7:19 AM. The human comes downstairs. I vigorously thump my tail against the floor in greetings. Good morning, human!

7:21 AM. I follow the human into the kitchen. She picks up my bowl from the floor. Oh, good!

7:23 AM. The human is pouring me a big bowl of kibbles.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy....

7:24 AM. Have just finished off breakfast. That was good!

7:27 AM. Making inquiries with the human as to if she'll let me out for a run.

7:28 AM. Out the door and on my way. See you later, human! 

7:40 AM. Running through the back fields, barking my head off, as happy as I can be. Life is good!

7:53 AM. Dropping in to see Spike the Magnificent, Tormentor of Squirrels. Hey, Spike! 

7:55 AM. After the customary doggie greetings, Spike and I set to discussing matters of great importance. Is the tail wag the answer to the question about what the meaning of life is?

8:02 AM. Spike says that fall is coming. Oh, I know, Spike. You can feel it in the air, especially on a day like today. How long do you think before we get snow?

8:15 AM. Parting ways with Spike. He promises to keep me up to date when the mailman drops by at his place.

8:27 AM. Taking a splash through the creek in the woods, getting nice and wet.

8:41 AM. Returning home and barking. Human! It is I! Loki! Chewer of Slippers and Annoyer of Mailmen! Let me in.

8:42 AM. The human catches me with the Towel of Torment before I can sneak inside.

Human, there is no such thing as wet dog smell.

10:30 AM. The human is having coffee. I am using my patented sad eyes look to convince her to give me a cookie.

12:10 PM. Lunch with the human. She's given me a ham and cheese sandwich. Yum!

4:55 PM. Spent some time watching a baseball game on television. First, that's a lot of flying balls. Second, that score was a massacre.

6:28 PM. Dinner with the human. She's chopped up some stewing beef for me. She's having carrots with hers. This is good, human.

8:45 PM. Lying on the couch, pondering the great mysteries of our time. Is the quest to catch a squirrel a futile one?

11:38 PM. The human is off to bed. Good night, human. Sleep well. I'll be down here guarding the house.

In between naps. Naps are always important.

Monday, September 2, 2024