Faith Can Move Mountains... But Dynamite Works Better

Sunday, November 24, 2024

A Day In The Life Of A Cat

And now it is the cat's turn to have her say, as she must always have the final word in everything.

7:03 AM. Waking up. Slept exceedingly well. Dreamed of unravelling the world's biggest ball of yarn.

7:05 AM. A check outside. Flying lunches out in the snow at the feeders. I wonder if the staff will be obliged to stay home from work today.

7:12 AM. Waiting on the staff to get downstairs and start seeing to my breakfast. After all, I lack the opposable thumbs to do that myself.

7:15 AM. Come on, staff, what's taking you? I've been up a whole twelve minutes now, and I'm hungry.

7:21 AM. Finally, the staff comes downstairs. It's about time, staff. Now then, have you put any thought into providing me with breakfast?

7:22 AM. Issuing strict instructions to the staff about my needs for breakfast. For the record, staff, I will not abide any hint of field rations, is that clear? I like meat, I like milk. I'd prefer the milk on a pre-chilled plate, but we can't always get what we want.

7:24 AM. The staff has put my breakfast down on the floor. The bowl of milk and plate of chicken are acceptable. The bowl of field rations is not.

Oh, well.

7:25 AM. Finished with breakfast. The milk and chicken are highly recommended. I have ignored the field rations entirely.

7:28 AM. Sitting on the back of the couch, staring outside, brooding.

7:34 AM. Off in the distance, I can hear the sound of that idiot dog from down the road barking his head off. 

Stupid mutt.

7:42 AM. The staff is on her way out for the day. Very well, staff, be on your way. But don't forget, we're running low on milk.

7:45 AM. Watching the staff from the windowsill as she drives out to go to that work place she spends the better part of the day at. Okay, so it's just me for a few hours. What do I do? Aside from naps?

8:03 AM. The Weather Channel is predicting a snowier than usual winter this year. Well, no complaints out of me, as long as the milk and catnip supplies aren't interfered with.

8:05 AM. Turning off the television after a Christmas commercial comes on. Bah humbug, if you ask me, and you are asking me.

10:45 AM. Waking up from a nap. Feeling hungry.

10:47 AM. Once again I must subsist on field rations to alleviate my hunger. Oh, well....

1:31 PM. Off in the distance, the barks of that annoying mutt. Come on, the mailman is just doing his job.

5:12 PM. The staff comes in the front door. Staff, did you remember to pick up some milk?

5:19 PM. Supervising the staff as she unpacks some groceries. Good, good. Milk is welcome. But why did you buy another bag of field rations?

6:28 PM. Dinner with the staff. She's cut up some slices of meat loaf into nice bite sized chunks for me. Very good, staff, very good indeed.

8:55 PM. Lying in front of the fireplace, pondering life's great mysteries. What is the meaning of the purr?

11:28 PM. The staff is off to bed. Good night, staff. Do keep the door open. I have zoomies scheduled when you least expect it, after all.


  1. Yep, my cat BK would test negative for patience. But my Fat Baby is incredibly patient when it comes to waiting for her food. Like the cat sitting on the coffee maker waiting to be fed.


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