Faith Can Move Mountains... But Dynamite Works Better

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Return Of The Spell Casting Spammers

They never learn. They never take a hint. They can't do us all a favour and make a New Year's resolution to stop wasting oxygen. Of course I speak of the vile wastes of space otherwise known as homo sapiens spammeritis irritatingus. That wretched lot of scammers and spammers who infest our blog comments and junk email with crap we don't want. Of late, I'm routinely getting email notifications from sites I do not belong to, delivery notices from companies I ordered nothing from, and final warnings from places I've never had any business with. To click on any of them is to invite chaos into your life, so they instantly get deleted. And then there's the following, which my blog spam filters caught shortly after the New Year.

Happy New Year, I pray you find all you set your heart to this year 2024, I was going through hard times last year in my Relationship because my Fiancée of 3 years woke up one morning and said she is leaving the house and no longer in love with me, this really broke my heart, I went on my kneel to beg her to come back but all my pleas was in vain until I met Dr Ajayi while surfing the internet. I read how he helped people going through relationship problems, some even mentioned he makes herbs to cure any kind sickness you can think of, this made me to contact him through Whatsapp 

and explained the problem I have with my fiancée to him. Dr Ajayi told me he will make a love rite that will bring back my fiancée in the next 3 days and what I will have to do to make it happen, I followed all the instructions as directed, to my surprised my Fiancée knock of my door after 4 months of not taking with me. If you are having any relationship or Marital problem Dr Ajayi is the man you can trust for help.

Sigh. As much as I'd like every single one of these spammers to just die already, they won't do that. Worse, my posting this will guarantee responses from spell casting spammers. To which I'll say this: go away. I don't believe any of your crap, and all of you are wasting perfectly good oxygen that useful people need. You are not useful people.

Okay, then. We see all of the hallmarks of your usual internet scammer. The wording that suggests English is not their first language. Capitalization of words that don't need it. Sentence structure that is, in a word, dismaying. Misspelling of words that should be fairly obvious. Though to be fair, I've seen the writing of someone not too long ago whose first language certainly is English and who thinks the word radio is spelled raido. Yes, he was that dumb. And that was just the beginning of his spelling errors. Have I mentioned I hate stupid people?

They tell the same old sob story we usually see with spell casting spam. The spouse or significant other who's unhappy in the relationship and who leaves. The devastation for the poor sod (who doesn't actually exist) telling this story, about how everything was horrible until they reached out to this "doctor" (who's not a real doctor) who said they'd do a 'love rite' and that the errant fiancee would return. 

All of which is crap. Nonsense.

Because this is as fake as it gets. Spell casting does not bring happiness. This is nothing more than a scam artist plying their trade, sending out fake emails trying to get others to believe the story and send in money for their own issues.... at which point the spell caster will either disappear, or say, 'we're not trying hard enough, give me another 150 bucks.'

Like I said, nonsense. Nice try, numbskull. But I know better. 

Why don't you do the world a favour? Go skydiving. 

And land between these two behemoths.


  1. spam amd scam emails usually go straight to my spam folder which I delete daily after having a laugh at some of the titles. I haven't seen the spell casting one in a long while.

  2. OOoh, what fun, spell casting spam! Sigh I don't rate those! My spam is in a nice folder which I delete regularly. Without opening. Facebook friends who smile and message "Hi How Are You?" aren't anything but bots. As a matter of fact, I figure all young women new to FB are actually some Russians or FBI bots.

    1. On a group I moderate there for photography, there's regular spam.

  3. How come I never get this kind of spam? The make five hundred dollars a day and free tool sets are getting boring. A spell from a doctor wizard would be welcome.

  4. And I just deleted spam comments from age old posts. Grrrrr/.

  5. I haven't gotten any spam in the last few days. That means they'll probably pop up again in another day or two. Irritating as heck!


Comments and opinions always welcome. If you're a spammer, your messages aren't going to last long here, even if they do make it past the spam filters. Keep it up with the spam, and I'll send Dick Cheney after you.