Faith Can Move Mountains... But Dynamite Works Better

Monday, January 22, 2024

A Day In The Life Of A Dog

It is once more time for the perspective of the dog and the cat. As always, I begin with the dog's point of view, what with him getting so easily distracted by pretty much everything.

7:05 AM. Waking up at home. Slept really well. Dreamed of chasing that damned squirrel.

7:08 AM. Looking outside at the pre-dawn, though there's enough light out to see things. Birds are hanging around the feeder. More snow in the night. I gotta get out there for a good run.

But priorities, Loki! Priorities. Gotta have breakfast first.

7:13 AM. Waiting on the human to get downstairs and get my breakfast going. Looking forward to it. 

7:18 AM. Thumping my tail on the floor as the human comes downstairs. Good morning, human! It's a great day out there. Say, how about we get going on breakfast?

7:21 AM. The human is pouring me a bowl of kibbles.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy....

7:22 AM. Licking my chops after finishing off breakfast in near record time.

That was good!

7:27 AM. Inquiring with the human if she can let me out for a run.

7:29 AM. Out the door and on my way. See you later, human!

7:36 AM. Running through the snow in the back fields, barking my head off, as happy as I can be.

7:50 AM. Stopping in to see Spike the Magnificent, Tormentor of Squirrels. Hey, Spike!

7:52 AM. After greeting each other in the customary doggie manner, Spike and I get to discussing serious matters. The consistency of kibble. The schemes of the squirrels. What the mailman's true agenda might be.

7:57 AM. Spike notes that we're due to get more snow today. That's fine with me, I love the snow. I don't know why some people don't, I really don't...

8:08 AM. Spike and I part ways. He says he'll give me the heads up when the mailman passes by his place this afternoon. Would it be too much to hope the mailman gets caught in an avalanche?

8:21 AM. On my way home. Movement on the path ahead. 

It's that damned squirrel!

8:22 AM. My attempts at careful stalking have been for naught. The squirrel spotted me and bolted up a tree. And is now occupied in heckling me from a branch up above.

8:25 AM. After circling the tree a few times in hopes that the squirrel would come down, I've decided to move on. The squirrel continues to taunt me as I go.

One of these days, squirrel, you're going to get what's coming to you.

8:38 AM. Back home. Subjected to the Towel of Torment by the human.

I have told you this many times, human.

There is no such thing as a wet dog smell.

10:45 AM. Waking up from a nap in time to scarf a cookie from the human.

12:14 PM. The human is having lunch. I've mooched a cookie off her.

2:08 PM. Looking outside. There's some serious snow falling out there. Can't see the barn at the moment.

6:26 PM. Dinner with the human. She's having meatballs with her potatoes and carrots. My plate has the meatballs without the potatoes and carrots.

Yes, I'm spoiled rotten.

8:29 PM. Lying in the living room by the fireplace, warming my belly, pondering the great mysteries of life. Is chewing on a bone the meaning of life?

11:15 PM. The human is off to bed. Good night, human, and sleep well. Never fear, for I am down here through the night keeping the house safe.

In between naps, mind you...


  1. I find myself agreeing with Lassie. Timmy needs to learn and his parents need to parent.

  2. Spike must be getting old by now. Lol

    1. I've been writing these for years, but under the premise that the dog and the cat aren't actually aging. Like a comic strip.

  3. That dog staring and hoping to get the food is very much like our cat. She amazes me how long she can hold that pose. Matilda is a great looking dog. And, as always, love the Lassie memes. That Timmy is just a pain, isn't he?

  4. I am always so happy when you write like a comic strip about the gud dug and naughty cat.
    woof !


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