Faith Can Move Mountains... But Dynamite Works Better

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

A Day In The Life Of A Dog

It is time once again for the point of view of the dog and the cat. As always, I commence with the perspective of the hound, since he gets so easily distracted by literally everything in existence.

7:08 AM. Waking up at home. Taking a big stretch. Slept very well indeed. Had dreams of chasing that rotten squirrel and finally catching it. 

7:10 AM. A look outside. Well, the days are getting longer but it still looks cold out there. Rumour has it spring's supposed to start later this month, but you wouldn't know it looking out there right now. Lots of snow. Which is fun to roll around in, mind you. As much fun as rolling around in mud.

7:11 AM. No sign of that evil squirrel around the bird feeders. Doesn't mean he won't be around later. I've got to be on my guard in case he does. That squirrel is almost as evil as mailmen. Of course, the mailman is only here once a day, and not on the weekends. Squirrels show up whenever they please, so they're much more obnoxious.

7:13 AM. Okay then, plans for the day. Got to get out there and have a good run. But first things first. Breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day, and my favourite. In a four way tie with lunch, dinner, and snacks. But the point here is, and I do have a point... I need breakfast. And for that I need my human to come downstairs.

7:19 AM. The human comes downstairs. I start furiously thumping my tail as a means of greetings. Good morning, human! Fine day, isn't it?

7:21 AM. The human is making my breakfast.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy....

7:22 AM. Licking my chops after finishing off a big bowl of kibbles.

Just three seconds short of my all-time fastest time eating breakfast.

7:25 AM. Inquiring with the human as to if she'll let me out. I do have things to sniff, places to be, and critters to bark at, after all.

7:27 AM. The human lets me out the door and I break out into a run. 

See you later, human!

7:34 AM. Running through the back fields, barking my head off. Life is good.

7:45 AM. Stopping in to see Spike the Magnificent, Tormentor of Squirrels. Hey, Spike!

7:46 AM. After the customary doggie greetings, Spike and I begin to discuss matters of the greatest importance to dogs. The movements of squirrels. Time until spring and when other critters stop hibernating. Best ambush tactics to be used on mailmen.

7:53 AM. Spike says he'll advise me as to when the mailman passes by his place later on, what with him being earlier in the route. Of course that's assuming he's outside. Well, as long as at least one of us gives him a good barking.

7:58 AM. Parting ways with Spike. See you later!

8:10 AM. Passing by the property of that cranky cat. I wonder if she's around.

8:12 AM. Wandering around the property. Glancing at the house. I can see some movement at one of those windows.

8:13 AM. And confirming now...yes, it's the cranky cat. You know, I get the impression she doesn't like me. I don't know why, I'm a very good dog.

All I've ever done is occasionally bark at her while she's having a sound sleep, and she takes it personally.

8:14 AM. And now she's giving me the finger and saying all sorts of other unpleasant things.

Oh well, be that way.

8:16 AM. Back into the woods and out of sight. I will never understand cats.

8:27 AM. Barking at the back door for the human to let me back in.

It is I! Loki! Chewer of Slippers and Annoyer of Mailmen.

8:28 AM. The human intercepts me from getting in and gives me a brisk treatment with the Towel of Torment before admitting me in. Human, I don't understand this. I'm perfectly capable of drying off by the fireplace.

There is no such thing as wet dog smell.

8:30 AM. Settling down in the living room by the fireplace. Circling around three times before settling down. Because two times is too few, and four times is too many.

10:45 AM. The human is having coffee. I am mooching an oatmeal cookie from her with my patented sad dog eyes trick.

12:31 PM. The human is having lunch. She's provided me with a ham and cheese sandwich. Life is good.

6:36 PM. Dinner with the human. She's given me a plate of stewing beef. It meets with my approval. For whatever reason she likes having Brussel sprouts with hers.

11:28 PM. The human is off to bed. Good night, human! Sleep well. Don't worry about anything. You've got me as a fierce guard dog, and I'll bark at the slightest hint of an intruder. 

In between naps.


  1. So that's some of the stuff dogs think about during the day. The pictures were all very funny.

  2. Those mailman can be annoying to humans too. Especially with stacks of bills! Don't give up the tormenting!

  3. Dogs are great companions I'm told. And I believe that wholeheartedly. But they can be quite judgmental!!

  4. I can't figure out how you know so much about dogs. Do you converse about their deep thoughts?

  5. Oh gracious! These are hilarious! I wonder if all dogs hate squirrels. Our granddog used to go nuts when he saw a squirrel.

  6. New follower/lurker here, stumbled across your blog and haven't laughed so much in years, thanks :)

  7. A poodle for a Spirit Animal...LOL


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