Faith Can Move Mountains... But Dynamite Works Better

Sunday, December 24, 2023

The Dark Lord Of The Christmas Season

Christmas is upon us, and I have an image blog for the occasion. Enjoy!


  1. I must get a Predator ornament for my tree. LOL

  2. If I never hear Mariah Carey again for the rest of my life I'll be happy. Merry Christmas.

  3. Wishing you a wonderful and safe holiday season, filled with love and warmth. Happy Boxing Day! Visit Melody Jacob blog.

  4. Boxing Day! I went out looking for a card table and came home with three cookbooks instead. I love thrift stores!

  5. My son was devastated when he learned from friends that Santa was not real. He was 6. "Aaah well..." he said, "At least there's the Easter Bunny."


Comments and opinions always welcome. If you're a spammer, your messages aren't going to last long here, even if they do make it past the spam filters. Keep it up with the spam, and I'll send Dick Cheney after you.