Monday, February 1, 2016

All Hail The Mighty Groundhog

It is Groundhog Day tomorrow. And so as is always the case, I have an image blog for the occasion. Enjoy, and whether or not you want to admit it, we're still in for another six weeks of winter. Or sixteen.


  1. I don't listen to that silly ground hog. Let's go Spring!! I'm ready. :D

  2. If the groundhog is smart, he'll just tell us what we want to hear!

  3. This week feels like spring, so fingers crossed!

  4. This is great. Ground Hog Day is David's Birthday so I am sending him this post ! Among his gifts I usually send him a book to read with his daughter, stuffed animal or a drawing. Best holiday to have a birthday on.
    Since you love winter it would be a good day for your Birthday.

    cheers, parsnip

  5. Groundhog day is such a weird tradition. Though I do enjoy the Murray movie.

  6. @Diane: spring can wait!

    @Norma: yes, six more weeks of winter.

    @Kelly: it's been a weird winter here.

    @Parsnip: well, my birthday is close enough to Groundhog Day, since it's today!

    @Meradeth: so do I, and yes, it's a weird one.

  7. I forgot about that! That's what you get for being retired!

  8. Still smiling. A fun photo blog. I'll have the bourbon.

  9. So far this winter has not been bad ... still a ways to go, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed it stays warm!

  10. "I'm a groundhog, not a meteorologist!" And that's why he can predict the future weather! :)

  11. We just watched Groundhog Day tonight as is our tradition on Feb 2 and the movie pics here & quotes were funny, William. Also, a belated Happy Birthday from a fellow Feb celebrant as mine is 2/3 so you are 1 day ahead and I am one day behind the Groundhog celebration!


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