Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Of Sex Toys And Screaming

I can't wait to see what kind of  twisted searches get started based on that post title. 

It has nothing to do with the subject, mind you. Every once in awhile when looking for images, I'll find something else that won't fit in, but gets me laughing. I thought I would group them together from time to time. Enjoy!


  1. These are great! That one pic's been overused to the point that it should never be used ever again, but the message is a good one!

    Poking fun at Indy? Not smart. He might destroy your temple next!

  2. How many hits did the title get?
    Jane x

  3. Hahahahha! loved them all but have to go with 'mind telling me where South is?'.. you know how I hate flying, that would freak me out :)

  4. Oh I love the Superman and Iron Man one. Whenever I watch those movies, my OCD kicks in and the messes and damage they make drive me crazy.

  5. Your title coupled with the drunk giraffes really made me wonder about you!

  6. @Norma: I'd be in so much trouble!

    @Jane and Chris: I'll have to keep track, particularly in terms of what search terms people are using to show up here.

    @Grace: isn't it a cute duckie?

    @Krisztina: I think someone figured out the math of casualties in Man of Steel, and it worked out into the hundreds of thousands in deaths.

    @Eve: I couldn't resist with that title!

    @Lynn: thank you!

  7. Oh the spam you're going to get from this title, William. You are a brave man. ;)

  8. Love these! And yes, Morgan Freeman's voice is so soothing he could tell us the world's coming to an end and not cause a panic.

    Oh, wait! Didn't he do that in some movie or other?

  9. bawahahahahahahahahaahahaha !

    cheers, parsnip

  10. @Kelly: is it weird that I'll look forward to the spam?

    @Cheryl: yes he did!

    @Mari: thanks!

    @Parsnip: thank you!

  11. Okay, so I was a tad bit worried where you were going to take this post when I saw you title :) That last one, ugh, totally makes me nuts! (He's an art historian, too, which may explain the destruction...)

  12. Funny. I like the bear arms the best.

  13. Hahahahahah. I LOVE the super heroes mocking each other. Iron man rocks!

    I feel the porn spider crawling through your pages. :)

  14. That title got my attention! Enjoyed a good laugh looking at all the pics;).

  15. Still laughing out loud about 007 destroying Q's gadgets ... while also wondering if it might be true.

  16. I admit, I had to come and see what the heck you were up to now, William!
    Brilliant. Loved it! My fave was Indie's--"destroys every ancient temple he enters", like it should be on his calling card or something!

  17. thank you for the review you do about sex tool


Comments and opinions always welcome. If you're a spammer, your messages aren't going to last long here, even if they do make it past the spam filters. Keep it up with the spam, and I'll send Dick Cheney after you.