Monday, July 15, 2024

A Day In The Life Of A Dog

It is time once again for the point of view of the dog and the cat. As always, I begin with the dog, who gets distracted so easily by everything.

7:00 AM. Waking up. Had good dreams. I was chasing a squirrel.

7:03 AM. A look outside at what's what and who's who. Some birds pecking around at the ground. No sign of a squirrel. Or a mailman.

7:07 AM. Waiting on the human to get downstairs and see to my breakfast. After all, I am a dog, and we lack the opposable thumbs needed to open cupboard doors.

7:14 AM. The human comes downstairs. I begin to vigorously thump my tail against the floor. Good morning, human!

7:16 AM. Waiting on the human as she pours me a big bowl of kibbles.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy....

7:17 AM. Have finished off breakfast. Licking my chops. That was good.

7:22 AM. Making inquiries with the human as to if she'll let me out for a run. Come on, human, it's going to be a hot day, and I want to be back before it's too hot.

7:23 AM. Out the back door and on my way. See you later, human!

7:32 AM. Running through the back fields, barking my head off, as happy as I can be. Woof!

7:50 AM. Stopping by to see Spike the Magnificent, Tormentor of Squirrels. Hey, Spike!

7:51 AM. After customary doggie greetings, Spike and I set to discuss matters of great importance.

7:55 AM. Spike says his human said there's another storm coming tonight. I hope that doesn't involve too much in the way of lightning, Spike. I don't like lightning.

8:04 AM. Spike and I part ways for the day. See you later!

8:11 AM. Making my way through the woods, splashing in the stream. Feels nice and cool.

8:26 AM. Coming home. Barking to let the human know I'm back. Human! It is I! Loki, Annoyer of Mailmen and Chewer of Slippers.

8:27 AM. The human intercepts me with the Towel of Torment before I can slip inside. Foiled again!

Human! There is no such thing as wet dog smell.

10:35 AM. Mooching a cookie off the human while she's having coffee.

12:17 PM. The human is having lunch. I have convinced her to give me a ham and cheese sandwich.

1:30 PM. Barking at the mailman from the front windows as he drops stuff off and drives away.

You're evil! You hear me? I'm onto you!

6:37 PM. Dinner with the human. She's made pancakes, and has been good enough to cut a couple up for me.

8:21 PM. Stirred out of my reverie in the living room by the loud clap of thunder. Human? If you need me, I'll be in the basement.

9:40 PM. Pacing around in the basement. At least it's not so loud down here. That's one big storm out there. Maybe it'll do me a favour and drown the mailman.

11:19 PM. The human is off to bed. The storm has ended. Very well, human, but keep the door open. If we get more storms in the night, I'm hiding under your bed.


  1. Too bad Spike couldn't come over for awhile, and hang out in the basement with you.

  2. Actually howled at the craps table one! But the dog slithering down the stairs was pretty good, too!

  3. Love the sheep one. It is about time !


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