Monday, May 20, 2024

A Day In The Life Of A Dog

It is time once again for the perspective of the dog and the cat. As always, the dog gets the first word in on these things, since he has a really short attention span.

7:03 AM. Waking up at home. Big yawn and a stretch. Slept very well. Dreamed of chasing squirrels.

7:06 AM. Looking outside. Lots of birds pecking around on the grass. No sign of a squirrel. Otherwise I'd be barking by now.

7:10 AM. Waiting on the human to get downstairs and see to my breakfast. After all, I can't open cupboards, what with not having opposable thumbs.

7:19 AM. The human comes downstairs. I thump my tail vigorously against the floor. Good morning, human! Fine day, isn't it? Say, it'd be swell if we got to my breakfast, wouldn't you think?

7:22 AM. Watching as the human pours me a big bowl of kibbles.

Oh boy oh boy oh boy....

7:23 AM. Licking my chops after finishing off breakfast just three seconds short of my all time fastest record of finishing breakfast.

7:28 AM. Making inquiries with the human as to if she'll let me out for a run.

7:29 AM. Out the door and on my way. See you later, human!

7:32 AM. Running through the back fields, barking my head off, as happy as I can be. Life is good!

7:48 AM. Stopping in to see Spike the Magnificent, Tormentor of Squirrels. Hey, Spike!

7:50 AM. After the customary doggie greetings, Spike and I get down to discussing essential matters. The movement of the enemy squirrels. What the mailman does on weekends. 

7:54 AM. Spike and I discuss expectations for the coming days. Supposedly some rain is in the forecast.

Well, that's good. Rain is good to splash around in.

7:57 AM. Parting ways with Spike to begin the journey home. See you later, Spike.

8:07 AM. Passing through the woods, as happy as I can be.

8:12 AM. Passing by the property where that cranky cat lives. Hey.... there she is on the grass. With her focus up a tree.

I should go say hello.

8:14 AM. Advancing quietly towards the cat, who still doesn't know I'm here. I think I'll surprise her.

8:15 AM. Within three meters. Okay, close enough. Now then, be ready to run at a moment's notice once I start barking....

8:16 AM. Sprinting back to the woods, thoroughly pleased with myself after making that cat jump for the heavens. Sure, she's chasing me, but it was worth it.

8:18 AM. Still hearing the howls of rage coming from back where that cat lives, and various feline curse words. Boy, is she mad.

Oh, well, time to get home.

8:31 AM. The human lets me in when I get home. Human? For the record, don't believe anything if that cranky cat calls and makes accusations.

10:28 AM. The human is having coffee. I have mooched a cookie from her.

12:15 PM. Lunch with the human. She's been kind enough to provide me with a ham and cheese sandwich.

6:28 PM. The human is having dinner. She's cut up some bacon and apple pancakes for me.

11:48 PM. The human is off to bed. Good night, human. Sleep well. 

I'll be down here guarding the house. In between well earned naps.


  1. I identify with the doggie who wants to travel the world for adventure but also wants to stay snug under his blankie!


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