Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Spamming Spammers From The Outer Rim

Of course they never take a hint. They email us with outlandish Nigerian scam emails. They leave comments in blogs that automatically get kicked right into the spam folders, even in specific posts that call out internet spam. They seem oblivious to the fact that no one will reply to them, or publish their posts, or take the bait. Well, almost no one. Maybe one in a thousand will be dumb enough to bite. Yes, the internet scammers and spammers are never at rest. A bit of both can be found in the following comments, copied out of both of my blogs' spam comment section. They will tend to give you a massive headache trying to decipher, however.

We have grabbed random strangers at bars, strip clubs as soon as a crew member with a cruise ship. So begin by eating fresh fruits & vegetables, lean meats, and high protein foods. Then you can add one extra exercise session that is at least half an hour weekly, until that becomes simply a given portion of your week. 

Whats up! Perfect posting! I enjoy the way defined Blogger: Ottawa Daily Photo. Very worthwhile technique for detail Blogger: Ottawa Daily Photo. Outstanding job! This is a really good written piece . Enhance are going to blog just like this writer of these write. To many people have difficulties along with freelance writing . I don’t be aware if or not I possibly undertake this quandry without it online business. The team to your business can make outstanding feedback of different newspaper publishers composition treatments if you need to assistance people stay away from fraudulent and obtain most desirable agencies

The process begins in the uncomplicated activity of your account option. There these folks were, anticipating their forthcoming experience and joyously reliving the last one -- Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy, inside the guises of actors William Moseley (now a dashing 20-year-old), Anna Popplewell (a newly minted Oxford freshman), Skandar Keynes (with vocal octaves more deeply at 15), and Georgie Henley (approaching teenhood, a good six inches taller than we last saw her). Technology is driving dynamic advertising into new areas this also brings from it some potential challenges, well its not all companies have enough money to cover thousands in electronic advertising, well both the options highlighted offers the same results with low investment of your energy and money, so now any company from mechanics to dentists can have these inside their guest waiting rooms.

INSTEAD OF GETTING A LOAN,, I GOT SOMETHING NEW Get $5,500 USD for six months! See how it works Do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked Atm card?? Make up you mind before applying, straight deal... Order for a blank Atm card now and get millions within a week!: contact us via email address:  We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be use to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. you order via [] Here is our price list for ATM cards: BALANCE PRICE $5,000----------------$300 $10,000 ------------- $650 $20,000 ------------- $1,200 $35,000 --------------$1,900 $50,000 ------------- $2,700 $100,000------------- $5,200 make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!! The price include delivery fees and charges, order now: contact us via email address:

HOW TO GET YOUR DIVORCE EX HUSBAND & WIFE BACK URGENTLY.... I want to really use this medium to thank Dr.Otor for the wonders for helping me get my broken home back after my husband of 18 years left me for another lady. Two months ago my Husband filed for a divorce through his lawyer when we had no issues at all. i was surprised because our family was a very happy one with three beautiful kids that even neighbors were jealous of us. i never knew a girl he met at the mall cast a spell on him so he will love her alone and forget about his family. i tried all ways to reach him and make peace ordinarily but i could not because the potency of the spell was so high on him that he could not even get himself. a friend of mine who felt pity for me introduced me to Dr.Otor through his email so i contacted Dr.Otor and told him all about my marital problem. He assured me that he will help me and that my husband will be back to me in 24 hours, i trusted him because he

Much of that is typical of the spammers. Sentences that don't read as though they were written by someone who understands English. Comments that threaten to trigger headaches by how indecipherable they are. People who can't spell or phrase things in a proper fashion. Endless amounts of spam for things one will never need. Sentencing that comes across as much too formal (to hide the fact that the writer has no idea what they're really saying). Things that have no point or are completely off topic- yes, the Pevensie kids were adorable in the Narnia films, but those have been a few years back, and the actors have grown up, you know. 

And then there are the scams- the offer to hack into ATM machines definitely constitutes a crime, and that whole witch doctor line of nonsense is a scam I've often seen turn up as a comment on a Facebook news article. There is no Doctor Otor, spamming spammer, and you know it.

Nice try, kids, but your spam merely gets turfed where it belongs: into the oblivion that is the spam folder, doomed to never see the light of day. Now go run off and annoy someone else, or we'll send a demon from the ancient world after you. Balrogs are always cranky this time of year.


  1. The spammers that use people's names as if family or friend is the email sender is the spam I dislike the most.

    1. There's no shortage of nonsense coming from spammers. One of the nitwits actually commented on this post earlier today with the hacking spam gambit. I've banished them to the spam folders where they belong.

  2. Damn, why don't I ever get this hilarious spam? All I've been getting lately is people wanting to "chat" with me.

    1. A lot of my spam comments seem directed to a handful of specific posts in the two blogs. For whatever reason, I've had hundreds of attempted comments on a single post in the photoblog that just features a spring day.

  3. I dumped a lot of spam in the past few days. I was starting to think they might have actually given up--but no such luck.

  4. I’ve been blocking spam, and I’m amazed at how little I get now. Definitely happy about it.

    1. Most of mine goes right to spam folders, which I check anyway- occasionally a comment that's not spam turns up there.

  5. You left out eyes crossing from that gibberish.

  6. Fun post and photos about the nusiance of spam

    Happy Weekend to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


Comments and opinions always welcome. If you're a spammer, your messages aren't going to last long here, even if they do make it past the spam filters. Keep it up with the spam, and I'll send Dick Cheney after you.