Saturday, September 9, 2017

Indonesian Culture Comes To The City

I have another in my series on Ottawa Welcomes The World, the embassy series of events that is taking place through the year here at Lansdowne Park. Recently it was Indonesia's turn, and rather than in the Horticulture Building, the event was taken out to the Aberdeen Pavilion nearby. These events are collaborative efforts- the city, each embassy, and a number of other entities- merchants or artists- are involved.

The interior had photographs, flags, large canvas murals, crafts, food, clothing, entertainment, merchandise, and art on display through the weekend, and was busy on those occasions when I stopped in. 

I found this stringed instrument unusual to my eyes.

There were a group of dancers on stage towards the end of one of the days. The speaker introducing them said they were from the Sumatra area. 


  1. "Ottawa Welcomes the World" is a wonderful series. What a great thing to do.

    1. I've thoroughly enjoyed it thus far. Tomorrow it's Bulgaria's turn. I know next to nothing about Bulgaria, admittedly.

  2. Looks like a great place for an exhibit! And I love the costumes and art!

  3. The clothes on the manequins looked like something from another era. Yes, it is their culture, but I'll venture a quess that they are wearing more modern versions or modern clothes.

  4. Ottawa is a wonderful city to have such a great program like this.
    I love the dancers,

    cheers, parsnip

  5. "Ottawa Welcomes the World." Can we come up there...and stay? We have a sociopath running our country.

    1. For the moment, but I don't see that circus lasting much longer!

  6. The traditional clothing is marvelous and all the other exhibits too. Thanks for sharing them William. Always very nice to get more insight for another part of the world.

    1. I have found these events educational and enlightening!

  7. The clothes and everything looks great. Seems that your city did a good exhibit!

    1. It was a very good idea to do this for the anniversary year. I've enjoyed all of these events that I've attended.


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