Tuesday, July 1, 2014

The Old Black Rum And The Bloody Racket

"Because the old black rum's got a hold on me
Like a dog wrapped round my leg
And the old black rum's got a hold on me
Will I live for another day?
Hey, Will I live for another day?" ~ Great Big Sea

One of the all time great drinking songs by Newfoundland band Great Big Sea, The Old Black Rum is a terrific song that you can listen to here. If you ever get a chance to see them live, don't pass it up. It's an ideal tune for today. It is Canada Day here north of the border, which means I'll be hanging around with thousands of other demented Canucks in the downtown core of our capital city. Before I do, I'll leave you with links- check out our joint blog for our latest Snippet Sunday post. And check out my photoblog, since today is a City Daily Photo Theme Day.

My tradition for Canada Day has been to show places in each province and territory, from east to west. Some are places I've been to. Others are places I must see someday. The photos are drawn from elsewhere on the web, and marked for locations. Enjoy, and for my fellow Canadians, Happy Canada Day!

Try not to guzzle down too much maple syrup.

Churchill Falls, Newfoundland and Labrador
Fort Louisbourg, Nova Scotia
Green Gables, Prince Edward Island
Mount Carleton Provincial Park, New Brunswick
Saguenay Fjord, Quebec
Centennial Ridges Trail, Algonquin Park, Ontario
Duck Mountain Provincial Park, Manitoba
Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan
Northern Lights, Iqaluit, Nunavut
Mackenzie River, Northwest Territories
Whitehorse, Yukon
Lake Louise, Alberta
Mount Robson, British Columbia


  1. Really love those pictures. So, Green Gables actually exists? Brilliant! Thought the Bieber post card was superb (would probably be banned here on the grounds of inciting violence or some such nonsense. But I would like to point out that Sean Bean, despite advertising 'the Canadians are coming', is English. I think. But anyway - happy Canada Day!

  2. Well, I've been to Algonquin!
    Jane x

  3. Hey, I enjoyed that Will! And I've actually been to several of those places. Good idea for a Canada Day blog. Always enjoy checking your posts from Ottawa.

  4. What a beautiful country! Happy Canada Day!

  5. All of those locations are beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

    I came to work today and was walking through a corridor and saw a giant red flag draped over some cubicles. I had no idea until someone told me it was Canada's flag.

    I'm like, "but why is it draped over cubicles like that? What's the significance?"

    They were like "It's Canada Day! Duh!!"

    Okay, so I didn't know about Canada Day. Now I do! lol

  6. Stunning series of images and very catchy ditty (which I'll be humming for the rest of the evening) Enjoy the celebrations William.

  7. Beautiful! I have been to a few of those places as well. Canada has no shortage of natural beauty. :)

  8. That's a gorgeous country there.... But it looks like you know that. Mix the maple syrup with something potent and I bet it really rocks.

  9. Wonderful post today.
    I have driven around Alberta (lovely) and Lake Louise is even more beautiful than that photo.

    Happy Canada Day !

    cheers, parsnip

  10. Nice! Thanks for stopping by Granny's Down Home Sassy Southern Cooking.


  11. Happy Canada Day. Gorgeous pictures!

  12. There be moose here! It must be Canada Day!

  13. @Mike: yes, it actually exists, and it's a lovely place to visit.

    @Jane and Chris: Algonquin is one of my favourite places in the world.

    @Furry Gnome: thank you!

    @Cheryl: thanks!

    @Grace: I've seen them in concert several times.

    @Halcyon: it certainly does not.

    @Eve: maple syrup with anything rocks!

    @Parsnip: Lake Louise is a gem.

    @Debra: you're welcome.

    @Kelly: thanks!

    @Norma: there's no shortage of moose!

  14. Happy Canada day! Great pics. Beautiful country!

  15. Happy belated Canada Day. Cheers and boogie boogie.

  16. Happy Canada day! A little late :) Hope the maple syrup was good!


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