Wednesday, March 19, 2014

There Is No Such Thing As Too Much Snow

Some links to see to first off.  Grace has had mermaids in her photoblog the last couple of days. Parsnip has a rather dramatic shot at her blog today. Krisztina had an Irish recipe at her blog the other day. The Real Maple Syrup Mob had a visitor at their door. And take a look at some of the critters emerging from hibernation at the Bondi blog. 

The end of winter is upon us, though it doesn't feel that way here. Tomorrow is the first day of spring (officially) in the Northern Hemisphere, and we're still quite snow covered. Some of you, for some odd reason, dislike winter- I don't really understand why, mind you. I thought today I'd do an image blog as an ode to winter. Enjoy!


  1. I hate winter and thank my parents for leaving Boston. Cute blog post William.

  2. I'm with Grumpy Cat! I had enough of winter back in December...before it was officially winter!

  3. Winter isn't so bad. If it would only know when to gracefully make its exit!

  4. I didn't mind winter until I moved to New York. I snowed so much this winter. I am so over being cold. My apartment has "heat" but most of the time my building has it off. Fun -_-

  5. Oh yes there IS such thing! LOL

    That's why I live in Florida. :D

  6. HA! Fantastic!
    Happy'll soon be summer (perhaps, maybe,possibly).
    Jane x

  7. I think winter to may people is OK but not this winter.
    I am dreading our summer, we have fire warning already. Winds and timber dry not a good combination.

    cheers, parsnip

  8. @Eve: thanks!

    @Norma: but winter's so much fun!

    @Cheryl: it's settled in nicely and has decided to stay.

    @Auden: it's been a peculiar winter in some spots!

    @Diane: but Florida doesn't get a real winter!

    @Jane and Chris: to be followed by an early fall!

    @Parsnip: that of course is the potential drawback...

  9. Ha, loved the slush slush! I do wonder why I ever left Hawaii sometimes:)

  10. I am absolutely waving that white flag. Enough of winter! I know you like it, but I'm ready for warmth! And sandals! And the beach! Oh, wait, I live in Montana... :)

  11. Winter is like an election year: The only good thing about it is its ending.

  12. I'm so done with winter. I need spring.

  13. I LOVE winter, I can't wait! Any weather that gives you a justifiable reason to snuggle up and get cosy is ok my me :)

  14. I love Florida winters. Cold air. No snow, just rain. And sunshine in between.

  15. Yes Virginia there is such a thing as too much winter! If you can hibernate in a cabin it isn't bad but trying to drive in snow storms is terrible and dangerous!

  16. @LondonLulu: snow is good for you!

    @Meradeth: the beach is highly overrated!

    @Mark: but election years are bad!

    @Kelly: well, in about an hour or so, it'll be officially spring.

    @Grace: exactly! My way of thinking!

    @Shelly: but the cold air is the best part!

  17. While I prefer the white blanketed land over the brown slushiness of spring, I'm over the cold. It can be summer anytime now.

  18. Living in a snowbelt doesn't bother us either. We enjoy it.

  19. This winter has been a treat and so far, this spring has been more of the same. Lovely!

  20. I like the Florida one. But Florida's a big in Central Florida we do get a change of seasons and some cool weather. Seldom do we see snow, though. In south Florida, things stay pretty warm all year.

    I also like the cold and miserable cat. He's got the eyes of one of most miserable politicos... :)


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