Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wanderings Of A Canadian Loon

A couple of things to see to before I get started. First, head on over to Norma's blog for her review on the DVD release of Star Trek Into Darkness. And take a look at our joint blog, where we've got a musical interludes blog today, featuring two outstanding songs in concert by U2.

Now then, back again today with a photoblog, from places I've been to in the city as of late. 

A few days ago I was over in the Hintonburg neighbourhood. The church you saw a couple of blogs back, the church of St. Francis of Assisi, dominates that neighbourhood. Nearby is the Rosemount branch of the city library. I was working at one of the computers, and the sculpture below, of a parson speaking with a groom and bride, stood directly opposite me, on the windowsill.

On my way home, I passed by St. Mary's, a Catholic church on the western edge of Little Italy. I've always liked the looks of the building, so I stopped by and snapped a shot or two of the front facade. No, I don't know what the deal is with the sky. I'm still learning through trial and error with this thing.

And down at Dow's Lake, which is part of the Rideau Canal, I stopped on the bike path, for there right before me was a great blue heron. I'll have to figure out the zoom feature on the smartphone quickly; this was the better of four shots. Still, the subject seems used to people. He walked down the concrete edge you see here, into the water, not minding the passersby, more interested in patiently beginning an evening of fishing. I'm always amazed, when I see them at the water's edge, at how still a heron can be.


  1. I think you now have the title for your photoblog!

    Excellent pics!

  2. Looks like you're learning your new camera pretty fast!

  3. I am excited that your using the camera on your phone.
    You can crop the photo in your gallery.

    cheers, parsnip

  4. LOL, love Norma's comment! How wonderful to see that heron, and more glimpses of your neck of the woods:)

  5. That was a pretty close shot of the Blue Heron.

  6. I love these pictures. The Heron is amazing.

  7. It's so nice to see pics you actually took for a change.:) Sounds like you have a beautiful walk home. I love old church buildings like that. We have a few downtown.

  8. Oh and there's an iphone app called camera+ by Lisa Bettany that's amazing for taking pics! I haven't used it myself because I use my dslr and don't have an iphone, but I know it takes amazing travel pics from what I've seen on her page.

  9. @Norma: quite possibly! At least something to be fit into a page description!

    @Cheryl: I am!

    @Parsnip: I have on a couple of them.

    @LondonLulu: there'll be more to come!

    @Cindy: yes, he was watching where people were, but he didn't seem that concerned about anyone.

    @Kelly: thank you!

    @Krisztina: we've got quite a few too. There's one across from our Supreme Court that I want to take pics of. And I'll look into that app!

  10. So great that you're trying your hand at photography - it's a great hobby! The church photo is well framed.

  11. Great shots! You live in a seriously beautiful city!

  12. Excellent start William. Have to admit I have tried to take photos with my phone but for me it has to be a camera Aimee however has taken many a fab pic on hers.

  13. Nice! I wish we had architecture like that in Tampa. All we have is strip malls. lol

  14. You should take a trip to Wakulla Springs with your camera. They have a glass bottom boat upon which you may tour the river. It's amazing and your camera will love you!


  15. The app Krisztina suggested won't work on your phone. It only works on iPhones.

  16. @Carla: thanks!

    @Meradeth: it does have its drawbacks, but all in all I like it here.

    @Grace: I can see myself having fun with this...

    @Lynn: it's such a remarkable bird.

    @PK: Tampa needs an upgrade!

    @Diane: that sounds like fun!

    @Shelly: thanks!

    @Norma: rats!

  17. Hi, William. You had a window behind the statue, so you got reflections of the lights inside the room. And, the sun was out there, so that whited out the sky. Shooting into the sun takes a lot of practice.

    It is cool seeing the birth of your photo blog.

  18. so many people never stop on the bike path, thanks for sharing your amazement with us


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