Monday, December 31, 2012

Honey, Do You Know Where I Left My New Year's Resolutions?

Should old acquaintance be forgot, or something like that. Anyway, we are in the final hours of 2012, and yes, we've made it to the end of the year (sorry, believers in the Mayan apocalypse, you'll just have to go looking for the next crackpot conspiracy that has nothing to do with the originating culture to believe in). And I will only say one final thing on that matter: now it's time to sue Roland Emmerich and John Cusack for false advertising in that cheesy movie a few years ago that predicted the end of the world this year.

Pay up, boys!

For other takes on the brand new year, check out Norma's blog, where she's writing about celebrity resolutions, and have a peek at our joint blog, where we have a New Year's Without A Word blog.

Well, New Year's Eve is here, and while I'm not the sort to make resolutions, I'll make one that will be exceedingly easy for me to keep.

I hereby swear that I will keep you all amused at least 95% of the time. Unless, of course, you happen to be an oil industry salesman with an over developed opinion of yourself and no sense of humour at all. In which case, you've got issues yourself, mate. I can't help you.

And of course I can't let the end of the year pass without mentioning a New Year's resolution from my favourite fictional Mountie. Inspector Lars Ulrich (don't ask about Metallica performing Auld Lang Syne) is busy beating up an entertainment reporter today up in Crowsnest Pass, but he's resolved that before 2013 is done, he'll average kicking an entertainment reporter's butt at least three times a week. There's no shortage of them, after all...

And so I wish  you all a Happy New Year, bid a not so fond farewell to 2012 (good riddance to ye, ye scabberous dog of a year), and say hello to 2013. With that, I leave you to a whole mess of pics marking the end of the year.

Enjoy, and try not to drink too much of that spiked punch. Otherwise you'll be seeing pink bunnies bouncing around everywhere.


  1. I have every confidence that both you and Lars will easily keep your resolutions!

    Happy New Year, Partner!

  2. Thank goodness some things don't change. Your humor for example. Happy New Year William.

  3. Keep your resolutions... I think 2013 will be another bumpy ride, we will need the laughs.
    Love the second "The Other Coast" !

    Happy New Year !
    cheers, Gayle and The Square Ones

  4. Love the cat New Years resolutions pics!!

    I gave up on resolutions...but, I have some "goals" to meet this year...I think those are different!

    Great blog, as the pics.

  5. Looking forward to another year of chuckles you bring me!

  6. Love the cats on the treadmill.

    Good luck with your goals in 2013, William!

  7. Yeah, like Fred, I keep pix from other New Year Eves around to remind me...

    Oh heck. I've forgotten. Pass the chips and martinis.

  8. Yep. More time on the treadmill, that's for me. Happy New Year William!

  9. I set goals instead of resolutions because I think those are less likely to be broken.

    Happy new year! Here's hoping 2013 is better for you.

  10. @Norma: they're easy ones to keep!

    @Eve: Happy New Year to you!

    @Parsnip: it could be a long year!

    @Beth: thank you.

    @Lorelei: thanks!

    @Kelly: thank you!

    @Cheryl: I've got a few Fred pics of myself...

    @Lynn: Happy New Year!

    @Carla: thanks!

  11. Happy New Year to you! Thank you for the many chuckles - here's to a terrific 2013!

  12. I love your cat photos!!!

    I lost my cat, Precious, less than a month ago, so I really enjoy your cat photos.

    She died of old age, wandered off and never came home. Friends tell me that's what cats do. I'm so consoled and delighted by the photos, so thank you!


  13. Oh yes the same resolution every year lately...lose five kilos..sooooooo boring! Looking forward to you keeping your resolution William haha !

  14. Happy New Year, William. Do any oil execs really have a sense of humor? You should lock him in a room with Lars for one hour.

  15. No doubt you'll keep your resolution to make us laugh. Happy New Year, William!!:)

  16. The Husky one got all my votes. Brilliant! So simple, so powerful. I just could not help laughing.

  17. @Deb: I hope you had a good one!

    @LondonLulu: thank you!

    @Diane: it's never easy losing a cat.

    @Grace: thanks for dropping in!

    @Karla: now there's an idea!

    @Krisztina: thank you!

    @Angelika: thanks for stopping in!


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