Thursday, June 20, 2024

The Long Slog Towards The Winter

Summer is upon us (Boo! Hiss!). I have an image blog. Enjoy! I will be counting the days until cooler weather. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

The Old Tesla Stocks Scam Again

Just when you think you've seen it all. The scammers and the spammers have nothing else to do with their day but send their random comments and emails to hundreds or thousands of destinations, all hoping to draw some attention or, better yet, draw in a sucker dumb enough to believe them. They are a wretched lot, that group known to science as homo sapiens spammeritis irritatingus. They are incapable of finding an honest way to make a living. And so this is what they do. 

The following came through to my email recently.

Hello, This email is from Elon Musk and the Founder, CEO and Chief Engineer of the SpaceX team; Early-stage investor, CEO and product architect of Tesla, Inc.; founder of The Boring Company; and co-founder of Neuralink and OpenAI. With an estimated net worth of around $245 billion. Your email address was randomly selected from the US and Canada email databases and you won 18,087.71 shares of Tesla at $228.0 per share (TSLA) worth 4 $124,270.00. Please take this email seriously by responding to this email or contacting ( to make a claim.

I'm sorry- did you say please take this email seriously? Rest assured, I would not even think of taking it seriously. Because it's got scam written all over it. It's claiming that I'm a winner of a random selection for over eighteen thousand shares of Tesla stock, at 228 dollars a share. They add in the final amount it's supposed to be worth (though they put the $ in the wrong spot. Because just randomly giving away four million dollars in stock is the sort of thing that's done.

And even if I were to believe this nonsense (I don't), why would I want stock in that company? Owned by a guy who's one of the biggest assholes on the planet? No thank you, I'd rather hold onto my integrity. 

Nice try, ace, but there are no stocks, because this isn't legitimate. You're lying through your teeth, like you always do, about everything. 

Sigh. I'd like to take you somewhere with a grand view. Somewhere high.

And push you off it.

Monday, June 3, 2024

The British Government Scam


They never know how to stop. They will never go away. I speak, of course, of that vile lot known to infamy as homo sapiens spammeritis irritatingus- the internet scammer and spammer. They never give up in writing inane comments that have nothing to do with the subject matter, desperately trying to generate traffic for their own websites. They will send us emails promising riches beyond our wildest dreams if we only believe their unbelievable stories. Or they send us random emails with phishing links that will ruin your life if you click on that link. Such as the following. 


Our records show that you are not up to date with your current vehicle tax.

This is your last (v11) reminder from us.

Your vehicle is not permitted to legally be on the road.

If you fail to pay your road tax you may face a fine or other penalties.

You must fill out the form below to be up to standard with the DVLA legal requirements.

Well, then. What do we say to that? Aside from the fact that this was not the last reminder but the very first time I'd received this email. This is the sort of email that sometimes comes as a scammer phone call- an automated voice claiming to be from a government agency saying they've locked your social insurance number unless you do everything they say (the actual departments have lots of online information saying they would never do this).

This tells me that my vehicle is not legally permitted to be on the road, because I haven't paid my vehicle tax. For the DVLA, which is a British government department.

First off, genius, I don't own a car. Second, I'm a Canadian citizen, not a British citizen. So the real DVLA has zero jurisdiction on a Canadian who doesn't own a car. And even if I were British, the actual department wouldn't be sending phishing emails to random people in their own country, let alone across the world.

Because this isn't the real DVLA. This is someone who lives in a basement, has no real job, no real purpose, no life, and nothing to do with their time but try to send out endless amounts of phishing emails in the desperate attempt that someone will open it up and believe their stupidity.

Nice try, numbskull. Really.

But this is what we should do with you.